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Duanesburg Tae Kwon Do Instructors

3rd Dan Belt

Mrs. Cynthia Priest, a 3rd Dan in Tae Kwon Do has been practicing this martial art form for more than 10 years.  Mrs. Priest is the last remaining partner from the orginal founding partnership.  She is a mother of two and works full time for Verizon Wireless.  Mrs. Priest has competed at several local, regional and national level tournaments.  One of her greatest achievements was earning a Gold Medal at the 2006 AAU National Tae Kwon Do Championship in Forms.  Mrs. Priest is aslo certified by the AAU as a coach.



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School Address

3025 Western Turnpike (Route 20)
Duanesburg, NY 12056

Mailing Address

PO Box 310
Duanesburg, NY 12056